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Youth Cause Chaos After Ruto Sends Waititu to Represent Him at Event

Ferdinand Waititu (left) and DP William Ruto talk during a past event. TWITTER

Disgruntled youth stormed a meeting venue of tangatanga team in which Deputy President William Ruto had sent Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu as a representative.

According to a report by The Star, the irate youth disrupted the event which took place at Makutano in Cherangany for 15 minutes.

Waititu had reportedly been sent to the event which was looking to raise funds for 15 churches.

The youth, who are alleged to be allied to the area MP Joshua Kutuny, shouted down Waititu and other attendees and disrupted their speeches while shouting, "We recognise the Kieleweke team and Kutuny is our MP."

The leaders who were at the event included Endebess MP Robert Pukose, Nakuru MP Ngunjiri Kimani, Trans Nzoia Woman Representative Janet Nangabo and politician Kakai Bisau among others.

So serious was the incident that police officers from Kapolet and Kachibora police posts had to restore order at the event.
That was, however, not the first time Ruto's allies had been heckled in the area and was also the second time the DP had snubbed a meeting at the area.

Chairs that were overturned by youth during an event at Makutano, Cherangany, on Sunday, May 26, 2019.

Roughly a month ago at Tuigoin, youth heckled his team who had gone to endorse former Agriculture minister Kipruto Kirwa for 2022 Cherangany MP’s seat.

Kutuny, however, declined any involvement in the heckles claiming it was an indication that the residents were tired with the team tangatanga agenda.

“The President wanted all Jubilee leaders to help him implement his agenda, but the tangatanga team, led by the Deputy President has defied the directive and is campaigning for 2022. Residents are tired of this,” The Star quoted him.

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