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Watchman Brutally Beat Up Police who had been Sent to Arrest Him

A private guard in Likoni was arrested on Wednesday afternoon after he and a bouncer at the Kenya Ferry Services channel descended on two police officers sent to arrest him over allegations that he had stolen from a woman.

Davis Wafula of Guardforce Security Company is said to have robbed the woman of her valuables prompting the officers to be deployed after the matter was reported.

When the officers flushed the suspect from his hiding place, an argument ensued that quickly deteriorated into a fistfight.

The two officers were overpowered and one of them managed to escape unwounded but the other was not lucky enough.

"We deployed more officers and at last he was arrested and he will appear in court once the investigation is over," Likoni police boss Benjamin Rotich told The Standard.

Wafula will now be charged with stealing and assaulting a police officer who was on duty.

The police boss went on to divulge that the assaulted officer was injured but in stable contrition.

The ferry guard force declined to comment on the matter stating that the incident did not happen within their jurisdiction.

This comes at a time when the country is debating whether to arm the private security guards or not.

The Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA), in February 2019, gave a go-ahead to private security officers to carry guns as the first line of defense against any incident.

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