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Prophet DAVID OWUOR is a real man of God; See how he prophesied PERU earthquake that hit the Country on Sunday- The whole world was shocked by his prophesy [VIDEO EMERGE]

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Yet another alleged prophesy made by Repentance and Holiness prophet David Owour has come to pass.

The controversial preacher revered to by his followers had reportedly prophesied about the 8.0 magnitude earthquake that hit North-Central Peru on Sunday, May 26, 2019 which killed one person and destroyed land.

Owuor, who is known for his many alleged and controversial prophesies and miracles on October 25 2018, urged Peruvians to repent as the Lord had shown him he would be hit them with a very serious earthquake.

Speaking at the Peru National Congress on the aforementioned date, the prophet revealed that God had shown him an earthquake was going to hit Andes Mountains.

He went ahead to urge Peruvians to repent before the earthquake strikes.

''The I see an earthquake hitting the Andes mountains, it is so big, that shakes the Andes Mountains and down there it digs a very big hole it looks like a quarry. So, the Lord has sent me to call from the National Assembly here , I am now calling this nation to repentance. I have been sent to this nation and now standing here, I am calling the wonderful people of Peru to repent,'' Owuor said in a video

About eight months later, Peru was hit by a powerful earthquake on the morning of Sunday, May 26, 2019.

Following Owuor's alleged prophesy, his followers thronged different social media platforms to laud him and convince other people they are led by a true prophet of God.

According to Associated Press (AP), one person died when a rock fell on a home in the Huarango district as the quake intensified.

Peru's Ministry of the Interior earlier on shared videos showing considerable damage in different areas.
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