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SLAYQUEENS BEWARE! How my sister was drugged, robbed and dumped along Thika Road by a man she had met on Instagram

On that issue of being drugged, kindly warn people, mostly these college girls and Instagram fans.

Today,  I got a call from a strange number. Since I am working outside Nairobi County  and I have given several guys my phone number for enquiry, I picked only to hear a distress voice of my sister.

She just said few words and I quote "call xxxx ,my Siz in law now, tell her to call me and it's urgent"... Having known my sister well, I knew something was wrong and first thought  that  her phone was stolen and that Nairobi has  welcomed her officially, though we had  talked before. Just the  normal sister talks.

After telling my in law to call the number  told me , she told me my sister was drugged and dropped somewhere off thika rd..

I panicked.

 Lucky enough ,they drove off to pick her. THANK GOD SHE WAS OKAY though terrified by the ordeal.
Everything she had
was stolen.

About being raped, we are yet to find out since they took her to Hospital.Apparently, she meet this idiot online,precisely Instagram. After chatting for sometime, they planned for  a meet up.
That dude drugged
her and stole from  her
She is too
traumatized to talk..

So no much information. She  just gave us that.
So let all ladies be careful with who they meet. These idiots know how to lure girls more so college ladies.

They dress well and smell well and flaunt uko social sites...
Advice all ladies.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely kenyan-post, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.
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