Sheila Mwanyigha is one of the most recognisable media personalities in Kenya having been a T.V host, a musician, a radio presenter and a social media influencer.

Sheila recently disclosed in an interview with BBC that there were certain people who had wished death upon her, shocking many. She told the British broadcaster,
There was a time there was an attack in Egypt and I sent my condolences and one person attacked me saying that I should have been among those who died. Adding that people like me did not deserve to live.
She added that she felt vulnerable and terrified as it had been a random individual threatening her. We called the media personality to find out how she had got through that period?

Sheila Mwanyigha did not want to speak a lot more about the experience but let slip that God had helped her through it. She also noted that her friends had been there for her as she had shared her horrible experience with them.
Cyber-bullying has become a bigger and bigger issue as high-speed internet and smartphones become a common feature for average citizens.
An example of a celebrity in Kenya that has been cyber-bullied is Jimmy Gait. The gospel musician faced an instant backlash from some Kenyans on social media after releasing the song, ‘Yesu Ndio Sponsor’.

The singer said the period was so bad for him he became depressed and even lost his appetite. After recovering the star decided to open an anti-cyber bullying foundation called, Hisiah.