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Lupita flattered by her unlikely lookalike


Actress Lupita Nyon’go has an unlikely lookalike, Sudanese model Adut Akech.

Lupita shared a photo of herself with Adut, captioning how flattered she was that people confuse the model for her.

The Oscar Award winning actress in the photo had a cat eye make-up look, similar to that of Adut.

Adut had short hair done in a cut that Lupita used to wear before she started growing her hair longer.

Lupita in her caption acknowledged Adut’s achievements writing; “They say we look alike. And I am flattered that this beauty gets confused for me. But model Adut Akech is in a class and path of her own.”

Adut is a South Sudanese model who grew up as a refugee in Kenya’s Kakuma camp before leaving for Australia at age seven. She started modeling at age 16.

In 2018 she shot to the limelight when she closed Saint Laurent’s spring/summer ’18 show joining the list of the world’s top models.

They say we look alike. And I am flattered that this beauty gets confused for me. But model Adut Akech is in a class and path of her own.
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