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Kanyari is back.. He is now Bishop Mwangi

Kanyari_Bishop Mwangi

If you thought the self-proclaimed prophet Victor Kanyari is a forgotten story, then I have some news for you.

The controversial preacher who used to head Salvation Healing Ministry before a scandal wiped him off the face of the earth, is back in action.

Kanyari has a new church and now goes by the name Bishop Mwangi, which according to him, is his other name.

Mr Kanyari will be remembered for his antics back in 2015, in which he was exposed for performing fake miracles using potassium permanganate, which turns purple when dissolved in water.

He used the chemical reaction to convince his followers and would be followers that his special prayers washed away mysterious diseases.

He would ask his patients to step into water before praying for them and voila! the disease left he body as evidenced by the coloured water, smart huh?

That didn’t last long though as one of the victims reported him to authorities.

He is also known for his banned television broadcasts in which he used to ask the viewers to “panda mbegu” with Sh310 through mobile phone money transfer. The expose led to his gospel singer wife Betty Bayo divorcing him.

Well, the man has since repackaged himself as Bishop Mwangi, complete with a different voice and ‘reloaded’ miracles. He now offers discounted prayers as “seed offering” now costs Sh 250.

He has also changed tact from TV broadcasts to radio ones and his half hour sermons can be heard on Radio Jambo between 4.45am and 5.10am.

What hasn’t changed though are people complaining about being conned by him as ZIPO.co.ke has learnt. A complainant accused Bishop Mwangi of failing to heal a sickly kin after parting with the ‘seed offering’ money.

In one of the sermons, Mwangi claims to be praying from the top of a hill and that God has commanded him to ask listeners for Sh250 for miracle prayers.

He promises the senders financial breakthroughs, jobs, healing and even plots to build in Nairobi, among other windfalls.

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