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‘I pray the twins look like you’ Anerlisa spills the beans on pregnancy

Anerlisa Muigai could soon be the mother to twins and a wife to Ben Pol.
This was not always the case a few months ago. Anerlisa had confessed that the one problem she will have with Ben Pol is the fact that she has never seen herself as a mother.
She posted a video carrying a friends baby saying that she is a very good aunty to her friend’s children but she is not ready for a little girl or boy to call her mum.
I hope the twins look like you
Is this a confirmation that she will be giving birth to twins soon?
This has been a concern from her fans who even think she is posting old pictures on her social media feed to hide her baby bump.
The couple are the envy of so many couples in Kenya and Tanzania because they are the perfect example of power couple.
He is already playing his husband role after gifting Anerlisa a Samsung Galaxy S10+. The phone is worth ksh90,000 assuming she has settled for the 128gb.

Don’t be jealous you will find your prince charming or princess at the right time. It took kissing a lot of frogs for Anerlisa to find her prince charming, Ben Pol.
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