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Gideon Moi's Wife Appointed to Nairobi Hospital Board

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi's wife, Zahra Moi, has scored her second board appointment two weeks after landing a plum government job.

In a special general meeting called by members of the Kenya Hospital Association (KHA) on Wednesday, Zahra was approved, alongside eight other members, as a board member of The Nairobi Hospital.

The new board was unanimously voted into office in a bid to oust the seven members that served previously.

“The vote was unanimous 96 to 100,” stated Valentine Ataka, the lawyer representing KHA.

Other members that will serve on the board besides Zahra include Tabitha Oduori, Maxwell Otieno, Wilfred Irungu, Susan Carr-Hartley, Jeremy Gunze, Steven Ochiel, Chris Bichage and Richard Omwela.

he new board will elect a chair during its first sitting.

Towards the end of April, Zahra was proposed to the board amidst a plan to ouster the then management over dissatisfaction about how they ran the facility.

On May 4, Tourism CS Najib Balala re-appointed Zahra as a member of the Board of Tourism Research Institute.

Through a Gazette notice dated May 3, 2019, it was announced that Zahra was expected to serve in her new capacity for a period of three years beginning June.

"In exercise of the powers conferred by section 54 (1) (h) of the Tourism Act, 2011, the Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife re-appoints - Zahra Bahlewa Moi to be a member of the Board of Tourism Research Institute, for a period of three years, with effect from the 1st June, 2019," read the notice in part at the time.

Gideon Moi's wife Zahra Moi during a past event.
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