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Drunk Police Officer Rams Into Civilians [VIDEO]

An Administration Police officer is in trouble after causing an accident in Eldoret allegedly while drunk.

The officer, yet to be named, seemed intoxicated when he rammed into a personal car with passengers.

Passengers involved claimed that the incident happened on Wednesday night adding that the officer was arrogant and refused to pay for the damages.

He was driving an AP vehicle attached to the Burnt Forest area and was visibly drunk as seen in the video recorded by one of the passengers involved.

The clip was posted on Twitter where it got traction with netizens expressing their disappointment in the officer and the police service.

The video got the immediate attention of the police who responded to the tweet and promised to take swift action.

Kenya Police Service, through its Twitter handle, tweeted in Swahili, "Jambo hili linashighulikiwa ipasavyo" which loosely translates to the matter is being handled appropriately.

Kenyans called on the police body to dismiss the officer on grounds of irresponsibility, "He should face the full force of the law like other drunk drivers..."

This is the United Nations Global Road Safety week aimed at creating solutions to road carnage which has caused the loss of thousands of lives.

The theme this year is to speak up and save lives in order to encourage passengers to demand better trips from the drivers.

Here is a video of the incident:

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