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‘I don’t mind another’ proud third wife speaks out


A good number of women admitted on Classic 105 that they don’t mind being wife number 2, 3 ,4 or whatever.

They also agreed that they would warmly welcome another addition, and live in harmony.

Read one confession below;

I am number three and I’ve never been taken to his home. He acknowledges all the children and even number one knows there is number two, number two knows I am number three and I am open to number four. I don’t have an issue with that I have been with him nine years I have three children with him and my parents have never seen him, they don’t even care who fathers my children as long as they are taken care of.

Maina interrupted her rightfully shocked as to what she had just revealed.

Ladies why do you live like this? Why do you let stuff like this happen? Where is your securities ladies? That man is exercising something called impunity!

Her story elicited a debate online with fans tagging Classic 105.
Replying to @moniqueKimm @ItsMainaKageni and @Classic105Kenya
Nowadays, The Mpango wa kandos enjoy the same rights and privileges that the wives do, so wives shouldn’t feel very special..

I know of my neighbour who at his wifes death, and these traditions of ours could not bury his wife because he had never even taken a spoon to his wifes home. that man never appreciated the wifes family.
@ItsMainaKageni Women should know that if you haven’t seen your in laws then just know you’re not a wife full stop!! @Classic105Kenya #MainaAndKingangi
it’s not fair to criticise a relationship that’s clean n clear for there’s no betrayal & they’re all comfortable, the 3 of them emotionally and financially, their parents are not complaining🤔, who are we?😅#MainaAndKingangi we’re not the JUDGE✌
Maina, that is sheer madness. I can’t live with a man who hasn’t met my parents and I haven’t met his leave alone having babies for him. That is a lifetime commitment, what does she tell her children when they enquire on the paternal grandparents?. Let women stop desperation.!
I am just trying to figure how King Solomon lived with his 700 wives and 300 Mpango wa kandos, imagine how those Ladies used to fight each other.

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