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Disease That Has Sent 11 Family Members to the Grave

11 members of the same family in Londiani have died from what is suspected to be a deadly hereditary disease in the years between 1984 and 2018.

Richard Langat, a 52-year-old told The Standard that their two-acre piece of land had eleven graves, all belonging to members of his family.

Langat narrated that some of the symptoms of the disease are dizziness, difficulty in chewing and speaking, as well as the loss of memory and eyesight.

Nicholas Langat, a member of the family

"The individual is rendered immobile and develops sores. The general health of the victim then deteriorates and the agonizing death slowly comes thereafter," he said.

He cited that attempts to take them to the hospital did not bear any fruits as examination did not reveal anything.

"The deaths in my family began in 1984 with the death of our first born Joseph Langat who died at the age of 22 years,” stated Langat.
Langat added that in 1996, his mother, Esther Marungoino died of the same disease with his siblings, Alice, David, Elizabeth, Paul and Peter also succumbing to the illness in 1997, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010 respectively.

He also added that he lost four of his nephews in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Langat revealed that he had not contracted the disease, adding that his 68-year-old sister, Juliana Mosonik and 32-year-old brother Moses Langat have been crippled by it.

Kericho County Health Executive, Shadrach Mutai, stated they were looking to determine what the cause of the disease was.

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