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Details of Murkomen’s clash with Uhuru men at State House on Monday

President Uhuru Kenyatta at his office on May 13, 2019

Details have emerged of the controversial circumstances that surrounded President Uhuru Kenyatta’s signing ceremony of several bills which was held at State House on Monday.

The ceremony grabbed headlines as it marked the first time the President was seen in public after missing from the public eye for more than two weeks.

Senate Majority Leader Kipchumba Murkomen, who was present at the ceremony, on Tuesday narrated how he had been summoned to the house on the hill only to realise that Kenyatta was signing what he termed as several illegal laws.

Murkomen said he had protested the planned signing of several health bills but Kenyatta’s handlers, together with National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale carried the day.

He added that he decided not to interrupt the President during the signing ceremony because he did not want to be rude.

 “I was invited to SH to witness the President sign into law ”The Assumption of the office of County Governor Bill”. This Bill originated from the Senate.I discovered at SH that @HonAdenDuale was also invited on behalf of NA having passed some Health laws(Amendment) Bill”.

“Just before the signing ceremony I overheard that there were Health laws to be signed. I protested to @HonAdenDuale ,Solicitor Gen. &other SH staff for presenting Health laws for signature against the Constitution.I told them they had the duty to give proper counsel to HE (His Excellency),” the Elgeyo Marakwet Senator said.

The head of state has now been caught up in an embarrassing power play where the Majority Leader of his own party has called on the public to disregard several laws signed by the President – terming them illegal.

The constitution lists health and devolved function and any law touching on such functions requires the input of the Senate.

Murkomen and the Senate are expected in court to have the Health Laws Amendment Act declared unconstitutional.
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