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Boni Khalwale Defects to Jubilee Party

Former Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale has officially made the switch to Jubilee Party from Ford-Kenya.

According to Daily Nation, Khalwale made the announcement while he was hosting the Deputy President at his home in Malinya, Kakamega County on Friday.

"I will not be ashamed to find space for the Luhya people in the next government," stated the politician.

This comes at the time when the talk is rife that the outspoken politician was soon to be kicked out of Ford-Kenya party that is headed by Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula.

Khalwale served as the deputy party leader of Ford-Kenya.

Khalwale greets DP William Ruto during a past function.

According to the party's disciplinary committee chairperson Ferdinand Wanyonyi, the party had vowed not to entertain the deputy party leader because of his support for Ruto's 2022 presidential ambitions.

“You are reminded that any explanation given by you will be accorded full consideration prior to any decision being made,” stated Wanyonyi.

The conflict intensified since Wetangula had made a similar announcement revealing that he intended to run for the top office in 2022.

“It is regrettable that to date, you have not responded to the letter under reference, nonetheless, due to your seniority and stature in the party, we have extended the period of requiring you to officially respond to the charges to Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

“Further, the disciplinary committee has indulged you further and scheduled a meeting to give you a hearing at 9.30am on Thursday May 23, 2019," continued Wanyonyi.

Khalwale and Ruto sharing a light moment during a past function.
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