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Orengo's convoy attacked by rowdy youth

Rowdy youth pelts stones at Orengo's convoy

Rowdy youth pelted stones at Siaya Senator James Orengo's convoy as he and his team campaigned for the ODM candidate Chris Karan in the Ugenya by-election.

Orengo and his team blamed the violence on the Movement for Development and Growth candidate David Ochieng, who dissociated himself from the attack and accused ODM of fanning the violence after ‘sensing defeat’.

The incident left ODM leaders counting loses after some of their eleven vehicles were damaged by the angry youths at Sihayi Trading Centre in Ugenya.

Crisis meeting

This came as candidates in the upcoming by-election were summoned to a crisis meeting by officials from security agencies and the electoral body.

On Monday, security agents claimed they had received intelligence that there was a plot to employ goons to disrupt the mini-poll that is slated for Friday this week.

The meeting was part of efforts to reduce the tension that has been building between the supporters of two candidates deemed as the front runners.

Candidates cautioned

Ugenya Deputy County Commissioner Pamela Otieno said police were investigating the incidents and would bring suspects to book.

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Returning Officer Vincent Saitabau also said they had warned candidates not to engage in acts of violence.

“I wrote to the candidates about the consequences of not respecting the electoral code of conduct. We have enough personnel to ensure that the poll is credible,” said Mr Saitabau.
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