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Jubilee Governor Arrested

Samburu Governor Moses Lenolkulal Kasaine

Samburu Governor Moses Kasaine Lenolkulal has been arrested and taken to EACC headquarters for questioning.

His arrest comes hours after the Director of public Prosecution Noordin Haji ordered his prosecution alongside his deputy Julius Leseeto and 11 sitting, ex-chief officers over Sh84m fuel scam.

Investigations done by EACC established that Governor Lenolkulal was trading with the County Government through Oryx Services Station for the supply of fuel since the 27th March 2013 to date, but he failed to disclose his interest in the service station.

Statement from DPP

Oryx Service Station

“Its clear that the Governor engaged in conduct that is expressly prohibited in law and clear violation of the constitutional principles governing the conduct of public State Officers.During the period in question, Oryx Service Station received a total of Sh 84, 695, 996.55 from the Country Government. The aforesaid amount was shared between the Governor and his proxy Hesbon Ndathi. The payment received by the said Service Station was facilitated by the Chief Officers in contravention of the law"reads Part of a statement form DPP.

The DPP established that persons named in the Sh84 million fuel scam will be charged with the following counts; Conspiracy to commit an economic crime, Abuse of office and conflict of Interest.

A total of 14 people have been listed for prosecution;

Statement from DPP

Bank accounts frozen

In March, Lenolkulal's bank accounts were frozen following a court order that was obtained by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

At that time that Governor was on the spot over two parcels of land he bought in Karen at Sh30 million, money believed to be part of Sh1.6 billion lost by Samburu County.

In one of the two Court Orders issued, the governor was stopped from withdrawing money from any of his five accounts at the Kenya Commercial Bank.
EACC accused Governor Lenolkulal of conspiring with other county officials to siphon the money by inflating costs and falsifying procurement contracts, which led to the loss of the Sh1.6 billion between 2013 and 2018.

EACC also obtained orders stopping the Governor from transferring four prime properties he owns in Nairobi.

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