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Married MP in trouble for gifting two ladies similar panties, designer perfume


A first term MP from Luo Nyanza has become the butt of jokes among his colleagues in Parliament for gifting two ladies similar panties and designer perfume.

The married lawmaker purchased the underpants of same colour during his recent foreign trip.

The Grapevine has learnt that the politician instructed one of his guards during a recent public function to hand over the goodies to the two women, who were also in the function, separately.

Things, however, turned ugly when the two women, who were riding in the same car realized the politician had gifted them same goodies.

Irritated, the women later confronted the MP for playing them despite being aware that they (the women) are close friends.

The incident has now set the two women against each other as they fight for the attention of the married MP.

The ugly confrontation has since exposed the politician to ridicule by his colleagues.
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