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Jowie Irungu lounging in Industrial Area remand, Jacque Maribe friends’ photos show strong support network

Just incase you have been enjoying life under a rock for the last couple of months, let me bring you upto speed: Jowie Irungu is the main suspect in the death of Monica Kimani, who was found brutally murdered in the bathtub of her Kilimani home.

Jowie, as he is colloquially known to his friends, was said to have been the last man to have seen her alive. At the time the murder scandal caught the attention of the nation, he was in a relationship with Citizen TV news anchor, Jacque Maribe.

Whether or not the two are still a couple is unclear but that association meant that the state took a keen interest in Ms Maribe with regards to the murder. She was however released on bail and has even returned to work as she tries to pick up the pieces of her life and raise her son after it was so publicly jolted.

She has largely maintained a low profile but she recently took to social media, preferring not to post o her personal account one of the friends who make up her support network, Lillian Muli posted a picture of them enjoying some quality time:
Also, another of her friends who was a near-permanent fixture in the courts as she was arraigned for the mentioning of her case, Shix Kapienga posted this photo:

And while it isn’t exactly current it atleast shows that some level of normalcy has returned to Jacque Maribe’s world.
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