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Governor Mutua falls for Raila’s government system Proposal, calls for scrapping of women Reps

Governor Mutua falls for Raila’s government system Proposal, calls for scrapping of women Reps

Maendeleo Chap Chap party leader Dr Alfred Mutua has called for an expanded National Executive to have a President, Deputy President, Prime Minister and two Deputy Prime Ministers with specific mandates.

Mutua who made presentations to the Building Bridges Initiate said presidential candidates be allowed to run or be nominated as Members of Parliament so as to lead their party agenda in Parliament.

“The current situation where very popular leaders are locked out of governance structures is partly responsible for the street demonstrations and violence because that’s the only forum left for these leaders to express their views and address their supporters,” said Mutua , who is the Machakos Governor.

He also proposed the President, Deputy President, Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister to run for election on a joint ticket so that whichever political arrangement wins, it has a broad representation of the face of Kenya.

He said the President, Deputy President, Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister should come from different communities and not more than two Cabinet Secretaries should come from the same ethnic community.

“This way, many communities will be part of the core Executive of the National Government,” said Mutua.

He proposed that the office of the Leader of Opposition be facilitated by the State to play its rightful role of checking the excesses of the government.

“We as a party propose that the Leader of Opposition should be at the same level with the Prime Minister in official protocol and recognition,” said Mutua.

He said appointments to public offices be done based on population, proportional representation of each ethic community so that all Kenyans get their equitable share of public offices.

Mutua said these proposals will not only create inclusivity but will also ensure efficiency in the management of public affairs through dedicated division of labour.

He said the current government structure was too huge and needs several top level managers for the public to realise development in a speedy manner.

He proposed a presidency designed in a manner which encourages democratic competition while ensuring different communities get a stab at the high office.

He proposed a post-election government shared by the winner and runners-up in a presidential election, based on proportional strength with the runners-up taking the position of Prime Minister.

Mutua rejected calls for creation of regional governments because Kenyans want their governments close to them for effective service delivery.

He proposed the retaining of the 47 County Governments and the increase of allocation to counties to 40-45 per cent o that the devolved functions can be funded and development achieved at a faster rate at the local level.

He said national government equitable share of national revenue be shared equitably to minimise favouritism and patronage

Mutua said since 1992, except the 2002 elections, all other elections have been marred by popular claims of election rigging.

“This has had the effect of huge sections of our population always feeling cheated hence making Kenya permanently on electioneering mode, =” said Mutua.

He proposed that IEBC Commissioners be selected by political parties and professional bodies so that there are internal checks and balances within the electoral body.

He proposed the installation of CCTV cameras in each polling station with a feed to each political party.

“The footage is useful in verifying numbers and for real-time monitoring of the electoral process,” said Mutua.

He proposed the holding of two separate elections held at different days but within 30 days of each.

“One for presidential and governors and another for legislative positions,” said Mutua.

On the proposed referendum, Mutua proposed that we should not have one referendum question that gives an either/or option such as the Banana/Orange referendum of 2013.

He said we should have several referendum questions addressing several issues that will enable the public express their choice to various proposals on corruption, Mutua proposed that ethical studies and effects of corruption be part of our education curriculum at all levels.

He said wealth declarations be open to public scrutiny and all corruptly acquired wealth be nationalised.

He proposed changes to the government procurement system be made so that procurement is based on a market reserve price above which government should not buy any goods, services or works.

“This way, exaggeration of prices to cater for corruption will be greatly minimise,” said Mutua.

He said there was need for lifestyle audit by State and public officers before taking of office.

He proposed that punishment for corruption be severe and should include restitution to cover stolen funds including interests of 30pc calculated to the date of conviction

Mutua proposed the removal of optional fine in corruption convictions and punishment be severe depending on amount stolen with minimum conviction to be jail term of two years up to life imprisonment.

He said there was need for regular investigations by the relevant agencies into huge amounts of money given at fundraisings.

“This is important so that the proceeds of corruption are not cleaned or money laundered through harambee donations,” said Mutua.
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