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Embattled AISHA JUMWA now dares RAILA and ORENGO to bring on the impeachment motion against her friend, DP RUTO-Look!

Embattled Malindi MP, Aisha Jumwa, has come to the defence of Deputy President William Ruto over the looming impeachment being orchestrated by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga through his spanner boy, Senator James Orengo.

Speaking yesterday, Jumwa said that Ruto has done nothing to warrant his impeachment and dared Raila and Orengo to bring on the impeachment motion if they have enough evidence to back their claims that indeed the DP is corrupt.

According to Jumwa, Raila is afraid of Ruto that is why he is engineering his impeachment through false allegations.

“If you have evidence that Ruto is corrupt as you claim, marshal so that we can finish this story about the DP once and for all, and if you lose, keep your peace forever,” Jumwa stated.

“They should have the courage to table evidence instead of tarnishing Ruto’s name,” she added.

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