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City lawyer Assa Nyakundi's son laid to rest at Nairobi's Lang'ata cemetery

City lawyer Assa Nyakundi's son laid to rest at Nairobi's Lang'ata cemetery

The slain son of city lawyer Assa Nyakundi was laid to rest in a low key burial ceremony on Tuesday, April 2.

Joseph Nyakundi who was allegedly shot dead accidentally by his father was buried at the Lang’ata Cemetery in Nairobi.

However, the lawyer was missing from both the funeral service at the International Christian Church, Mombasa Road and the burial, Daily Nation reported.

The report further indicated his relatives claimed he was still being treated for low blood pressure at Nairobi Hospital.

Questions have since been raised over the decision to bury the deceased in a public cemetery contrary to Abagusii customs.

As an unmarried adult male, Joseph should have been buried at his father’s farm in Kisii county according to his community's traditions.

Bishop Philip Kitoto who conducted the service asked the congregants to stop speculating about the death and instead allow investigative agencies to do their work.

“Nobody knows what happened. Remember that people’s words can separate families. Instead of speculating, why can’t we take this chance to thank God for the life of Joseph?” he posed.

The Starehe Directorate of Criminal Investigations Office which was giving daily updates on the investigation during the first week after the murder has since gone silent.
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