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Why P Unit’s Gabu doesn’t want Kenyans to donate to Turkana drought victims fund

Gabu Turkana saga

Now, if you keep up with the social media life you know that paybill numbers have been created for the purpose of urging Kenyans to donate towards a reflief fund for starving Kenyans in Turkana.
Opinions are highly divided, with some celebrities supporting the cause and others simply saying they want nothing to do with it.
Gabu from P Unit has stood out. Gabu came out to express his opinion on the donation. Celebrities like Janet Mbugua, Kate Kamau, Akothee and many others have put their best food forward in donating and creating awareness.
Gabu Turkana saga
Gabu is against the donation and here’s why;
“Hii gov yetu imetuzoea sana. Hawatupei kazi na bado wanataka mchango. I am totally opposed to any Kenyan straining his or her pocket further to throw some cash to M-Changa or Paybill account to feed Kenyans starving in Turkana, I wish to incite the readers of this post to desist from doing so.
I know it sounds mean but let’s be realistic:
The total population of Turkana is slightly below 1 Million.
According to the CRA data, Financial year 2018/2019;
• Turkana County received 10.7 B as part of the county equitable revenue division allocation. • The county further received 1.05B equilization fund. • Turkana got 6 constituencies.
Each constituency NG-CDF allocation was 118M
For all constituencies in Turkana it was a whooping
708M • NG-AAF under Turkana Woman Rep was 42M.
Assuming this is all they received ( definitely it is not) then it is a sum of Kes12.5B.
Am not talking of 12.5Bob but 12.5Billion.
In simpler mathematics it would mean the county could loan or give each person in Turkana County both children and adults Kes13,000.
This is not donation or charity from the philanthropic Ruto or Uhuru but taxpayers sweat shared to Turkana via the National government.
Somebody make me understand how such a rich county could experience death as a result of drought, yesterday I said drought is not an accident, It is not an abrupt happening like the typhoons, it is foreseeable.
Allow me to repeat the same. It is not the first time Turkana is experiencing drought.
What were these allocations for? To pay employees? To take elites to devolution conference? To buy leaders choppers?
Let Turkana residents go arrest their leaders and demand the money we all donated to them as a country.
We got no other cash to contribute via M-Changa or M-Pesa, they can either choose to act or choose to die.
Turkana gabu
What’s your opinion about it? Drop your comments below.

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