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Photos of lawyer Nyakundi who accidentally shot dead his 29-year-old son

Assa Nyakundi and his son

Assa Nyakundi has been a lawyer for years but the latest incidence of him shooting dead his 29 year old son has left  Kenyans wondering who this man is.
Here are things you need to know about Nyakundi.
1. He accidentally shot his son to death on Sunday 17th/March/ 2019
According to police reports Nyakundi was driving home with his 29-year-old son Joseph, who was seated in the back seat when he accidentally shot him in the chest.
According to the him they were approaching their house in Muthaiga at about 1 pm when they stopped to change the position of his pistol from a pouch in the car to a holster, it discharged a bullet hitting his son in the chest.
He was pronounced dead upon arrival at Agha Khan hospital.
City lawyer Assa Nyakundi
2. He has been defending Nyeri Senior Resident Magistrate Pauline Chesang
Chesang  is charged with the murder of her husband and lawyer Robert Chesang in Lukenya, Machakos County.
Senior principal magistrate Pauline Omungala with deseased husband lawyer Robert Chesang'./Curtesy
Senior principal magistrate Pauline Omungala with deceased husband lawyer Robert Chesang’./Courtesy
3. Nyakundi is also representing a number of suspects in the National Youth Service II case.
4. In 2015, the lawyer also represented Pastor Ng’ang’a of the Neno Evangelism Ministries.
Nganga  was at the time facing charges in a case involving an accident on the Nairobi-Nakuru highway at Manguo that led to the death of one person.
The televangelist denied the charges of causing death by careless driving, failing to report an accident, giving false information and conspiring to defeat justice.
pastor james nganga
Ng’ang’a was cleared of the charge of causing death by dangerous driving in 2018.
5. He lives in Muthaiga North Parkside, house number 5
6. Nyakundi, 60, is currently admitted at Nairobi hospital under police guard after he developed hypertension complications while in police custody.
The body of his son is still at the Aga Khan Mortuary awaiting a postmortem.
Lawyer Assa Nyakundi in a past photo with pastor James Ng'ang'a
Lawyer Assa Nyakundi in a past photo with pastor James Ng’ang’a
Lawyer Assa Nyakundi and lawyer Cliff Ombetta
Assa Nyakundi and his son
Assa Nyakundi and his son
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