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VIDEO: Succession chaos disrupt funeral, body of deceased taken back to mortuary


A family caused chaos during the burial ceremony of Paul Maina Kimani in Mugwathi village in Bahati, Nakuru County due to a family succession dispute.

Two drama was caused by two family members identified as John and Macharia who differed over a piece of land.

The chaos forced the funeral to come to an end and the body of Maina taken back to the mortuary under tight security.

The deceased, a father of six, died on 1 March at the age on 124 and was living with his daughter in Naivasha for the last three years.

According to some of the family members, the daughter might have conspired with the husband to come up with a plan to inherit the deceases property.

By doing so, all other family members would have been locked out from inheriting any property.

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