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Sorrowful Story of 9-month-old Baby Tamara Moves DCI to Action #JusticeForBabyTamara


The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) was prompted to act by the gut-wrenching story of a single father who claimed to have been forced to give up his 9-month-old baby girl by his in-laws.

Baby Tamara caused a storm on various social media platforms on Wednesday and Thursday, following her father’s (Timon Makswell) lengthy and heart-wrenching Facebook post.

Several well-wishers tagged the security agency to the heartbreaking post, and the DCI finally responded, instructing Tamara’s father to report the matter to any police station and share the Occurrence Book (OB) number with the investigation agency.

“Kindly but urgently advise Mr Timon Makswell to lodge a complaint at any police station and then share with us the OB number. Be assured that investigations will be launched & Justice served. Thank you very much for this information,” read their tweet.

In his harrowing reveal, Tamara’s father went on to disclose how his late wife Rena had made him promise not to let her family take their baby girl before her passing, seemingly knowing their sinister plans.

“To my little girl Tamara, daddy is really sorry I could not be able to take care of you any longer. I know I have failed you, I was the only person who was to protect you from these people but instead I chose to let them have you,” read an excerpt from his post.
He was then forced to flee from his in-laws after learning of their plans to take his daughter away from him and use her to solicit donor funds, claiming she was an orphan.

Makswell went into hiding and started a new life in Saika area, Nairobi. It was while at Saika that he started getting threatening calls and messages from his aunt-in-law, Annette Kimuomi.

“It got to appoint when Annette Kimuomi gave my number to some woman who told me she was from the DCI office in Kileleshwa and that they wanted me to go to that office with the child and give a statement,” he revealed.

Ms Kimuomi and several police officers finally caught up with him on Wednesday evening as he was out to buy milk for his napping daughter.

The desperate father was handcuffed and taken to Spring Valley police station in Kayole where his life was threatened, forcing him to give up his daughter.

“This is when they surrounded me and one of them said, we are going to shoot you now as the other four cocked their guns and pointed at me. Then I started thinking to myself, what will happen to my child if I die because it seems these people are willing to get to any length even if it means killing me so that they can take my child,” Makswell disclosed.

The distraught father went on the state that he was afraid for his life and pleaded to the public to help him, prompting the #justiceforbabytamara and consequently the response from the DCI.
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