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Sonko's Nominee For Health Docket Rejects Job Offer

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko's nominee for the position of a County Executive Committee (CEC), on Monday, rejected the January job offer.

Dr Stella Bosire, nominee for health docket, failed to appear before the vetting committee.

During the vetting exercise, it was revealed that Dr Bosire failed to submit her credentials and other documents as was required of the appointees

“She never presented her papers to the committee to be vetted so we assumed she was not interested,” acting Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Chege Mwaura intimated.

Bosire had earlier expressed reservation working with Sonko citing discomfort with his leadership style.

“Unfortunately, it has come to that. I will serve Kenyans in other spaces,” Bosire remarked.
“She was referred to me by one of my confidants as I wanted a woman well-grounded in health matters.

“However, we will nominate somebody else. These things are normal and they do happen,” Sonko told Daily Nation.

She was among five officials nominated in January by the county boss to fill vacant positions in his Cabinet.

The nominees included Sanjeev Kaur Sonia Birdi for the environment docket, Lucia Mulwa for the education department, Pauline Kahiga Waititu for housing chief officer, and Winfred Kathagu for chief officer economic planning.

Vacancies arose after the resignation and the sacking of several cabinet members.

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