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Man who missed Ethiopian plane crash by two minutes speaks


A delay in the first flight from Dubai to Addis Ababa could have been a disappointment to Ahmed Khalid, but if the picture of the remains of the Ethiopian Airline that crashed on Sunday comes to the fore, then Khalid owes his life to that which caused the delay.

According to TRT World, Ahmed Khalid was poised to take the first flight to Nairobi, which was ET202 that crashed on Sunday, six minutes after leaving the airport, forcing him to take the next flight.

“Because of the delay from Dubai I missed the first flight to Nairobi...one passenger saw on his mobile the first plane which had just flown, like six minutes after it flew, it had just crushed,” said Ahmed Khalid.

The Ethiopian Airline had 157 on board as it left the airport but regrettably, they were all pronounced dead. Among the 157 casualties, 32 were Kenyan. The cause of the accident is still under investigation.
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