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Maina Kageni finally reveals why he is not getting married


Maina Kageni has revealed that he is not getting married any time soon. He stated during the morning show on Classic 105 to co-host Mwalimu King’ang’i.
According to King’ang’i, Maina does not understand the predicament and struggles married men go through and the only way to get to experience this is by getting hitched.
Maina is however not falling for this trap. He says;

“From what you keep telling me do you think I will get married? I see the hell you are all going through. One of this days we should actually discuss what is the real importance of marriage.”

Maina Kageni
This will come as a surprise to Maina Kageni’s fans because frankly speaking majority of them have been dying to know all the juicy details of his love life.
A wise man once said,

“Stop waiting for love and start living. There are many stories your life is meant to tell.Finding love is just one chapter.”

The above point goes to prove that Maina does not have to get married for the chapters in his life history to be complete. He is OK for now but we are still keeping tabs on him.

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