Akothee has adopted a new girl into the family bringing the total number of kids in his household to six.The girl was responsible for dressing Akothee while in Turkana.
For those who might have missed the news, Akothee had traveled to Turkana to go deliver food and water to those affected by drought.
For the few days she was there Akothee rocked attire that left many tongues waging but as usual she was unmoved and instead focused on her mission.
Sharing the news of her adopting a girl Akothee wrote
, waa my mum is a prophet , she knew I would definitely come back with either children or someone most likely a girl, oooh guilty as charged.
Yes I came back with one girl who dressed me all the time I was in Turkana, she has a raw talent that we need to grow , she is with me , now

One thing is for sure and that is that the girl will never lack now that she is living with Madam Boss .She is now allowed to brag and say ‘All my friends are ballers.’