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Here are names of the 32 Kenyans who died in Ethiopian Airlines crash – May their souls rest in peace in Heaven! FULL LIST

32 Kenyans were among 157 people killed when an Ethiopian Airlines plane crashed 6 minutes after taking off from Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa on Sunday.

Flight ET302, en route to Nairobi, Kenya, lost contact with the control tower at 8:44 a.m local time, six minutes after taking off.

The 737-800 Max went down near Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa.

The victims were of 35 nationalities.

32 Kenyans 18 Canadians, nine Ethiopians, eight Americans, eight Italians and eight Chinese nationals were among the passengers.

Seven French and seven UK nationals were also on board.

Nineteen United Nations staff members were among those killed, according to a UN statement. 

Here are names of 32 Kenyans who perished in the worst plane disaster in Ethiopia’s aviation history.

1. Kamau Jane Njeri

2. Mwangi Isaac Minae

3. Stella Osebe

4. Kariuki Grace Murugi

5. Mohamed Sita Abdallah

6. Mary Wangari Gathumbi

7. Florence Wangari

8. Kageche John Mokua

9. Karanja Caroline

10. Njuguna Ryan Njoroge

11. Abdullah Mohamed

12. Karanja Anne Wangui

13. Bernard Mutua

14. Jaboma Isabelle

15. Mwashi Julius

16. Birundu Anne Mogoi

17. Ndivo Mercy Ngami

18 Hellen Waithira

19. Asiavugwa Fredrick

20. George Kabau

21. Hussein Swaleh

22. Mwazo Jarab

23.Mrs Mwazo Jarab

24. Cosmas  Rogony Kiprotich

25. Tony Ngare.

26 Musyoki anne Mukoi

27. Gathu Benson

28.Lahoti Vaibav

29. Juliet Murundu

30 Waithaka Joseph

31. Odero Immaculate.

32. Seex Jonathan.
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