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Girl who carried her dead baby for 5km to mortuary now goes back to school

Girl who carried her dead baby for 5km to mortuary now goes back to school

A 16-year-old girl who hit headlines after carrying the body of her dead baby for about 5km to a mortuary after officials at a city hospital refused to help her transport it has now gone back to school.

Speaking to Citizen Digital at Daisy School in Bukura, Kakamega County, where she was admitted, Immaculate Auma could not hide her excitement.

The 16-year-old narrated how she was forced to drop out of Anwa Junior Academy, Nairobi, in Standard 7 in January last year after she realised she was expectant.

She further told of how a group of Nairobi women visited their home in Kibera after the death of her then 6-month old son and offered to pay her school fees upon realizing that her parents were unable to.

“I was brought here (school) by a women’s organization of women who asked me what I wanted to do and I chose school so they brought me here,” she said.

“I want to thank them and ask them to help even others like me. I wanted to become a nurse previously but now I want to surpass that and become a doctor.”

The school administrator, Carolyne Ashono, further stated that the institution would cater for the girl’s boarding expenses while the women’s organization – led by Belinda Konje – pays her school fee.

Immaculate’s story sprung to the limelight on February 13, 2018 after her baby died at Mbagathi Hospital and she was forced to carry her to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), to file a notification after which she again carried her to City Mortuary, where attendants kept her waiting for hours.

The management of Mbagathi Hospital, however, later came out to distance themselves from blame saying the baby died outside of their premises before the child was admitted.

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