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Court releases robbery with violence prisoner after emotional apology

Kenyan High court.

A High Court in Kisii set free a convict after he delivered an emotional apology requesting for his release after serving 20 years in prison.

Justice David Majanja, released the robbery and violence criminal identified as Chacha Mwita after he pleaded for forgiveness.

Inmates at a Kenyan prison

Mwita stated that he had learnt his lesson and would not commit a crime if set free.

“I have reformed and I regret my actions. At the time of committing the offence, I was young and naïve.

“I will not commit any offence upon being released. I plead for mercy,” remarked Mwita.

Prosecution against Kamande's plea

In 2018, Ruth Kamande, Miss Langata Prison 2016 winner, had asked the court to release her after she pleaded for forgiveness for brutally murdering her boyfriend.

Kamande had been found guilty of stabbing Farid Mohammed 22 times.

Her plea had however been challenged by the prosecution who told High Court judge Jessie Lesiit to have it rejected.

The legal team explained that the Miss Langata pageant winner did not show remorse during her trail and thus should not be released.
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