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French President Emmanuel Macron To Make First Visit To Kenya Next Week

emmanuel macron

French President Emmanuel Macron is scheduled to be in the country on March 13 and 14,2019.

In what makes the first state visit by a French President to Kenya, Macron will be jetting in from another visit in Ethiopia.

Macron will be accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Environment minister François de Rugy, and their Higher Education counterpart Frédérique Vidal.

Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Director-General will also be in the delegation
It is noted that he will be focusing on cementing Franco-Kenyan agreement on the promotion of skills and talents through education, training, innovation and research.

French Ambassador to Kenya Aline Kuster – Menager stated that the agreement intends to, “build a balanced knowledge and skill partnership, serving young people in both countries.

“France is a key economic development partner to Kenya in education and research as well as in the Blue Economy. We are particularly focused on production training to create jobs through TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training),” she added.

The President will hold several bilateral talks which will aim at promoting cross mobility and development of double degrees, research and innovation by financing university infrastructure, and strengthening employability, professional and entrepreneurial.

The ambassador confirmed that there will be signing of agreements.

“The prospects of university and scientific cooperation between both parties will be discussed in the framework of a conference to be organised every two years in Kenya,” she noted.

She noted that the two states will reinforce language exchanges by promoting their languages in the partner’s education system.

Macron will also have a session with students at the University of Nairobi.

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