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DJ Mo talks about heartbreaking moment he lost unborn baby

Gospel DJ MO and his wife Size 8 reborn

A while back, Dj Mo’s celebrity wife Size 8 opened up on the sad ordeal of how the young couple lost their unborn child after five weeks.
Speaking about her miscarriage during an interview with Massawe Japanni, Size 8 said.

“I went to the hospital when I was a few weeks to see the doctor and he told me I have a problem. I cried first then went home.”

When the doctor broke the news to her, the singer, it would be well given that her pregnancy with Ladasha had been complicated but she pulled through.
“Just like i suffered during my first pregnancy with Wambo, I thought God will help me through the second pregnancy.
So i said it will be hard for a while and then i will have a successful delivery of my second baby. “
Size 8 during her first pregnancy

“When I was 11 weeks pregnant, I had labor pains, I was asking myself how can this be in labor and i am only 11 weeks in. 

In the evening is when i started bleeding, i was so scared,then i called DJ Mo crying.”

Just when she thought she would get through the second pregnancy, the doctor broke the news that it was not possible.

“But that was not the case because the pregnancy was already destroyed. I cried so much. knowing I served the lord a lot, how can this happen to me?”

Weeks later, DJ Mo who has been loyal and truly supportive to Size 8 through her tough journey has opened up on the terrible news.
He said as much as it was a bitter pill to swallow, his stand with God helps him understand that everything happens for a reason and most importantly to never blame God.
It is a sad moment but again for us saved people we usually everything has a reason and we don’t blame God, so there is always a reason for everything.
So it was a low moment for us but again we don’t blame God, we just move on.
His marriage being one of the most admired unions in the show business, DJ Mo was asked to advice the young couples and he had  short but strong words.
Just simple, marry your friend and marry someone you can tolerate that’s it

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