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DISTURBING!!!!Nairobi hitman reveals he was paid Sh5.2 million for 'job well done'

Kimathi, the accountant by day and hired killer by night, says most of the jobs he takes are related to conflicts in business.

“I can’t touch children, men of God, judges, police officers or politicians. But men and women, especially wale wa kurushana are fair game. There is no set price for this type of work. Every situation is different. I avoid marital issues. I love working knowing that mtu ataangushwa, deserves to be brought down.”

The highest amount he has ever been paid to kill is Sh5.2 million, and the least is Sh500,000. He claims to have even at one time been given a bonus of Sh3 million for a job well done.

Kimathi doesn’t answer questions about his family, where he resides or the number of jobs he has taken.

“Nimefanya kazi mingi. Only three were unsuccessful na nikaachana nao. Time yao haikufika. Mtu akiponyoka mara ya kwanza, unaachana naye,” he says. .

But is he afraid to die like his victims?

“That’s a matter that is not up to me. If I could, I would want to die an old man, peacefully in my sleep.”

I push on: “How do you get your clients? Is there a telephone book or WhatsApp group where people in your business converge and share tips and information like in other businesses?”

Kimathi doesn’t see the humour in that. He frowns and answers, “If you want a stolen car, you’ll find one. If you want drugs or an illegal gun, you will find them. There is nothing you can’t find if you look hard enough.”

The bishop justified his association with Kimathi, arguing that, “Everyone is welcomed into the house of God. You don’t choose who to preach to or who to chase away. You accept everyone and hope that one day, they will change their ways and turn to God. Our work as church leaders is not to judge, but to guide.”

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely SDE, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.
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