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Children’s home in Machakos closed after 9 boys allegedly sodomised by cook

Children's home in Machakos closed after 9 boys allegedly sodomised by cook

A court has ordered the immediate closure of Martyrs of Uganda Children’s home in Machakos County following allegations that nine boys were sodomised by a cook at the institution.

The county children’s department obtained a court order on Wednesday and with the help of police officers proceeded to close down the orphanage which is run by the Catholic Church.

The boys who were allegedly sodomised have since been taken to the Machakos Rescue Centre and Remand Home.

The children’s home, which also has a primary school wing, holds a total of 39 boys.

The sodomy allegations emerged in February this year after one of boys reported that he had been sodomised by the said cook, who has reportedly been at the facility for about 10 years.

The victim claimed that the cook used to entice them into the kitchen where he would allegedly sodomize them and threaten to deny them food should they reveal the ordeal to anyone.

A medical examination at Machakos Level Five Hospital confirmed that the boy had indeed been sodomised, with police launching further investigations into the matter.

It would then emerge that at least nine boys had been sexually assaulted by the cook.
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