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Here's why you should not wash your face with soap

Cleaning face(hercampus)

You are always told to never sleep with makeup, to always ensure you clean your face before bed and to avoid over washing your face if you want good skin. But who ever tells you that you should not wash your face with soap? And we are not just talking about bar soaps here. We are talking the ordinary toilet soaps that you may think are good and friendly to your skin. If you bought the idea, you have been living a lie all your life.
Here’s the thing, soap is good for other parts of your body but not your face. Why? Read on and be informed.
1. Soap is alkaline yet our faces are acidic
Toilet soaps(udeozochibuzo BLOG)

This is easy chemistry. The alkaline properties of the soap interfere with the acidic nature of our faces. This reaction leads to skin conditions and if you have acne, it becomes worse. If you must use soap, ensure you look for one that is acidic in nature
2. They strip off natural oils
Your skin has natural oils that keep it moisturized. Soaps are harsh for the skin on your face and they strip all the good oils off your skin. This leaves your skin dry and prone to bacterial infection. The detergents in soaps are harsh for the face since most people’s faces are more sensitive than the other parts.

3. Soaps trigger inflammations and allergies
The detergents present in soaps trigger inflammations of the skin and allergies that may cause rashes. The fragrances and the dyes are also not good for your face. If a soap stings your eyes, it means it’s not friendly to your face.  
What to use

Woman holding cleanser(hercampus)

Instead of using soap to clean your face, invest in a facial cleanser. Cleansers are usually acidic and their properties are friendly to the skin.

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