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Angry DP Ruto hits out at DCI in front of Uhuru, denies Sh21 billion has been stolen

Angry DP Ruto hits at DCI in front of Uhuru, denies Sh21 billion has been stolen

Deputy President William Ruto on Thursday made an indirect attack on the Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti, denying that the government has lost Sh21 billion in a project meant to construct two dams in Kerio Valley.

A visibly agitated Ruto spoke in front of President Uhuru Kenyatta during the release of the State of the judiciary report by Chief Justice David Maraga.

The DP said the claim made by Kinoti that Sh21 billion had been stolen, was a “flat lie”.

“You have heard, for example, that the government has lost Sh21 billion in Kimwarer and Arror dams, which is a flat lie. The money in question is about Sh7 billion and for every coin that has been paid, we have a guarantee that no money will be lost because we are a responsible government,” the DP said.

The statement was in direct contradiction to Kinoti's claim that some of the billions were lying in "some peoples' houses" in Nairobi while some of the money was used to procure items unrelated to dam construction.

“One of the companies told us they delivered towels worth Sh20 million, while another delivered tiles and carpets. We are asking them how this is related to the construction of a dam and they are not able to answer,” Kinoti told the press.

The DCI is investigating several directors of companies involved in the controversial tender, including Ruto's chief of staff Ken Osinde.

The DP went ahead to make reference to the second NYS scandal where investigations had earlier indicated Sh9 billion was lost only for the DPP to take 54 suspects to court over theft of a total of Sh500 million.

“The correct information must be used as we target the war against corruption so that we rein in on the culprits. Sometimes when we say that Say Sh9 billion has been lost, but then it goes to court, it is Sh100 million, the public is left asking what happened to the rest? We shoot ourselves in the foot,” Ruto stated.

The cameras showed President Kenyatta looking down for most of the DP’s speech and when he rose to speak, the head of state avoided the topic.

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