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Here is a Senior Police Officer sleeping with wives of junior officers and female colleagues with impunity - If you complain your are transferred ASAP

Prisons officers during a past event
Prisons officers during a past event

Officers attached to the Wundanyi GK Prison have raised complaints with regard to a senior officer at the facility.

The aggrieved officers, who declined to name their boss for fear of intimidation, say that the senior officer has been making sexual advances at their wives as well as female officers.

"Those who reject his sexual advances are either threatened or transferred, if they are officers. Officers whose wives refuse to give in to his demands are also transferred," one officer who chose to remain anonymous told the Standard.

Two officers who were transferred from the institution have vowed to appeal the decision to transfer them and ask for investigations into their accusations.

"We will appeal our transfers. We are ready to give evidence when required to do so," one officer stated.

His counterpart added: "I will appeal against my transfer. I cannot leave my wife here."

A pregnant officer at the facility also recounted her experience with the said officer when he summoned her to his office.

"The procedure is when a junior officer is summoned by a senior, the junior is accompanied by either a corporal or a sergeant. In my case, however, I was told to go alone.

"The boss didn't tell me anything of substance. He only told me to abandon my husband for him.

"The officer knows I'm married but he keeps pestering me for sexual favours. He engineered my husband's transfer to keep us apart and punish us after I rejected hos sexual advances," the female officer narrated.

The officer in charge of the prison, Khamisi Bakari, denied the claims saying that none of his officers have come forward with the complaints.

"These are pure lies. Those aggrieved should have reported to my office instead of going to the media.

"We do not transfer officers here. All transfers are ordered in Nairobi, ours is to report cases of indiscipline in Nairobi. I do not even propose who should be transferred," Bakari stated.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To Plive, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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