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Woman suffers burns on her private parts after sister-in-law bathed her in hot tea


A middle-aged woman from Bungoma is nursing severe burn injuries at Kabula Hospital after her sister-in-law poured hot tea on her on Monday, January 7.

The suspect is the wife of the victim’s brother.

It is alleged that the two had fallen out, with the victim’s sister-in-law losing her cool and resorting to bathing her [victim] in hot tea.

According to the victim’s brother, Joel Masinde, the two had differed over financial contribution the victim was to make toward planning the funeral of the suspect’s father.

“Her [victim] condition is stable. Doctors placed her on drip,” said Masinde.

The victim sustained serious burns on her breasts, belly and genitals.

The suspect is yet to be arrested, with the victim’s family saying they are waiting for her to be discharged from hospital so that she can file a formal complaint.
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