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Oil Rich Gabon President Ali Bongo Overthrown, US Military Deployed – Video

Military says it has seized power in oil-rich Gabon, where the ailing leader's family has ruled for 50 years

The Gabon Military has overthrown the government after claiming that President Ali bongo and his family had ruled the country for the past 50 years.
The Military said that the coup was an attempt to restore democracy in the West African Nation. The Military took control of a radio station and made the statement overthrowing the government.
Ondo Obiang the leader of the coup said the coup was being carried out “to restore democracy” and to oust “those who, in a cowardly way, assassinated our young compatriots on the night of August 31 2016” – a reference to deadly violence that erupted after Bongo was declared the winner of a disputed election.
President Ali Bongo suffered a stroke in October and has been ailing and even sort treatment in Morocco. He has been in power since 2009. He was re-elected  in2016 in an election that was marred with irregularities.
US troops were deployed in Gabon by Donald Trump last week to be on standby in  Congo
In His new year message Bongo acknowledged that he had been ailing but stated that he was doing better.

The Military Tanks and officers were deployed in the capital city of Libreville.

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