A technical problem during President Uhuru Kenyatta's round-table interview at State House, Mombasa has nearly cost several journalists their jobs.
Sources told Kenyans.co.ke that there lacked lip sync for KBC stream during the live service - the matching of a speaking person's lip movements with the spoken vocals that listeners hear.
As a result, the entire crew in charge of production, preview and transmission at KBC both in Mombasa and Nairobi station was allegedly interdicted.

Among those reportedly interdicted were Francis Ngila who was Transmission Control (TC) of the day, Zipporah Simani who was heading TC in Nairobi, and Senior News Producer at KBC Zipporah Muthui.
Others include Jackline Wasolo, the producer on duty at KBC's Broadcasting House Nairobi, Edwin Rasto who was heading Transmission and Sound Operations of the day.
The decision to suspend the crew for three months was allegedly taken by the Board Members and executed by the current MD Samuel Otieno.
Others allegedly interdicted include KBC crew members Julius Mutuku, Njeru Nyaga, Mwambinya and Benjamin Mutei.
The letter dated 11th January noted that the hitch saw the President's New Year message aired on 31st at 7:30pm lack lip sync.
The crew had earlier in January received show-cause letters before the suspension.
Lip sync is done through the sound reinforcement system in a live performance or via computer.