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What a hero! Meet Inayat Kassam, Westgate Superman Who Rescued Civilians At 14 Riverside Drive

Mr. Inayat Kassam

A hero who saved scores during the 2013 Westgate attack has swang into action and rescued more Kenyans during the horrific Dusit D2 attack at 14 Riverside Drive, Nairobi.

Inayat Kassam was, on Tuesday afternoon, spotted rescuing traumatised survivors from the attack whose explosion spilt into the wee hours of Wednesday Morning.

Kenyans, however, were quick to identify his heroic gestures especially that he had also taken part in the horrendous Westgate attack that claimed the lives of more than 60 people.

Taking to social media, most people thanked the experienced combative and shooting instructor praising his prowess.

"I CELEBRATE you my good friend Inayat Kassam!!.. A True HERO!!.. Kenya is PROUD of You!!!" posted Koinange Jeff.

"Who agrees with me that this mzee is a treasure for our nation? May God keep him and protect him," posted another user.

"God bless you for the great job Mr Inayat Kassam," posted another user.

"INAYAT KASSAM, such motivation and courage is all I need thank you, Sir ...He also played a vital role in the west gate rescuing operations, again and again, thank you, sir," posted yet another.

Others were even asking for him to be given a state commendation.
"By the end of this day his name better be Inayat Kassam, MBS, HSC, EGS, OGW," posted Hesbon Ochieng.

Inayat Kassam is an experienced combatives and shooting instructor, in addition to being an EDA Krav Maga Instructor.

He is the Managing Director of Scorpio Africa Ltd in Nairobi which provides security management and training in the form of security personnel, unarmed/armed training and certified firearm training.

Jeff Koinange and Inayat Kassam
Inayat Kassam during the Riverside operation

Inayat Kassam: (Left) at Westgate and (Right) at Dusit D2

Inayat Kassam featured on Citizen TV

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