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Gospel artists DK Kwenye Beat and Hopekid Infected Me with Deadly STI After Threesome, Nakuru Girl Narrates

A story of a 20-year-old Nakuru girl that been trending on social media since yesterday. The shocking story has been shared widely across all social media platforms, exposing the wicked side of gospel artistes in Kenya.

According to the girl, the two gospel musicians lured her into having a threesome, an incident that saw her contract a deadly Sexual Transmitted Virus.

This is her long story:

“Dela so this is my story. Hope it’ll touch anyone going through a similar thing

PS: am a 20 year old girl, in college, born and raised in a Christian FAM..

I always had these thoughts repeating themselves over and over in my mind when I was in elementary school. I thought I was only creating images till the day I received a text from my older female cousin.

Since that day things were never the same again since i got a confirmation that everything I had in mind was true it all happened to me.

When I was a kid roughly at the age of 6-8 years old, with a smaller brother the age of 2-4 years, we used to spend most of the time at home with our “mboch” housemaid if we weren’t at school. We used to be with our mom late in the evening when she gets home from work, she was a Chemist. Our dad used to work in Nanyuki so he was never around most of his time and our parents being away most of the time, our househelp, DM, started taking an advantage of me for her own benefits

One day from school i found her watching pornography, she had several CDs, innocent me i knew these were just movies. In school i would narrate stories to my classmates of how lit this movie was, ‘of how the girl would lick a lollipop, get stuck together with the fellow actor etc thank God the teachers never knew about it

On weekends when we were home alone, she would put the CD on and make me watch it with her (all along i was unaware that this was adult content). She would act weird, like remove her clothes, caress herself then she would start acting on me. She would rub my little/non ‘nipple’ , lick and suck on them then finger f**k me.

This makes me hate my childhood so much.

She would bring a highschool dude over to our bedroom, which we shared, make us have s3x in the name of kalongolongo. I never knew this was s3x until i was in Class 6. When my cousin texted asking me if i stopped bleeding!. It reminded me of all the pain i went through and having a confirmation that i was defiled, it real hit me so bad that i hated myself .

When i was small, on a Sunday before church, i was home with dad and small bro alone, mum was at church. I went to the washroom to help myself, when i was done, i saw how bloody the floor was and i was shocked i started calling for help not realizing its a female thing only. Dad came, he saw the mess and slapped me real hard , telling me to clean up, change clothes and get to the car we go to church and tell mum ‘what i had done. off to church, told her and she acted so worried but she never told me anything.

So in short i was assaulted at the age of 6 making it worse it was like nobody was on my side.

I grew up most of my teenage life beating myself up for what happened to me. And this maid was never reported or anything. My parents thought i had s3x voluntarily, this DM used to force me some two girls in the estate to make out together. With that kinda childhood i got attracted to females. And actually made out with my female cousins not knowing it was s3x, lesbianism, incest!

When i was in highschool i was so disturbed, had this trauma all along. Went to a psychologist when i was in form 2. He really helped me and i kept notes in my diary. One day from school i dound dad at home quite mad and he was holding my diary. Kwisha mimi! He started blaming me like,”why did you allow her to assault you or you were enjoying it, why are you a lesbian huh… Were we dead, why couldn’t you tell us you being assaulted. Were we never around for you!?’ He even prayed condemning all spirits of lesbianism lol. After that day i was never close to my dad, he looked at me like i was trash, when he prayed he would use bitter words that used to break me a lot

I’ve had several suicidal attempts including overdose, drowning myself in a pool, rolling down the stairs, hitting my head on walls but luckily nothing.

End of form 4 i was almost raped again on my way home from school at around 8 pm. We had Math classes at 6-7pm for the Math Club members. Luckily i got home safe after a struggle which my dog was on the lose and it somehow felt my presence near home and it scared the man away.

So last year, i was direct messaging Kenyan artists about my career, video modeling. Getting a few replies from some of them. So one gospel artist called X gave me his number and told me to text him on WhatsApp. I thought i was gone get considered. We used to talk, like officially then one thing led to another after a few days we were s3xting. Our horny selves decided to meet for a Holy Smash. I spared a day from school. Travelled all the way from Nax Vegas to Nairobi to get smashed. He was to pick me in town but he texted that morning telling me to go to some estate i won’t mention

When i got there he picked me up in a black Volkswagen Golf. It was tinted so when i got to the car the back left door was opened and i got in. That move ruined my life wallah. I will never recommend any gal to consider dating or smashing with these gospel artists… So Mr X was sitted on the co-driver seat and his fellow gospel artist, Mr Y was sitter on the driver’s seat. Change of plans people. We went to Mr Y’s home instead

Got there i asked to go to the washroom, i peed then cleaned up my punani coz i knew what was coming next. Getting back to the living room, i was served wine and a Tee to change in. Size yake size ya noma. With my self-respect i went to one of the bedrooms (out of 2) to remove my dress and put on the Tees still with my lingerie on. Went back to the living room and sat next to My X. He started kissing him and the next minute i was on his lap. He removed the Tees, tshirt, then unhook my bra so quickly. Wueh the way he was doing it, it’s like he has some good experience.

I told him i was uncomfortable banging in the living room with Mr Y around. He was so OK banging there but he insisted. So he took me to the second bedroom. I closed the door and switched off the lights.

When he was on top smashing the missionary way, i noticed there was light coming in from the corridor, door was opened. Boom! Mr Y was behind X. He had no clothes on and he was stroking his d**k. Mr X was really hitting the spot and i started to moan like some possessed person so Mr Y climbed on to the bed, nilishtuka mayoo, he kissed me to prevent me from making sounds. Majirani wasiskie.

Mr cummed i guess, he got off before i realized whats happening, Mr Y was eating my pussy. Remember they both are gospel artists whom I’ve danced their songs i church since elementary sch.

Then boom Mr Y had his D**k in. He was heavy

so i got tired and now i was able to breath and react. I shouted at him like super angry to get off of me. I was afraid they would do me harm of i didnt corp with them. So he left and i was alone with Mr X. I cried so bad and he was apologizing but i didnt take his sorry. I never had a threesome before and i felt like they were taking an advantage of me. Being like a whore to them. So i took a blunt from my bag got high then Mr Y, a pastor joined for a puff. Wueh these niggas tho heri Willy Paul gatho!

They called over an Uber to drop me off in town. Got back home

After a few weeks, about 2 months, Mr Y, 3 party, unwanted person called saying how he missed me. Since i was over the shits, i considered being friends, stupid me. He started hitting on me saying we could be a thing yet he was engaged his fiancee works ‘abroad’ he claimed they had issues and he needed sth to hold on to. So boom am in Nairobi again. We talked then we started making out. He got in but this time with no CD . When i realized i told him to wear one. So we banged then showered and came back home.

A week after the s3x i got blisters around my pussy hole, mainly on my butt cheeks. Wueh went to Maristopes and i was told i had HPV, cervical cancer causing virus. This dude stopped texting back or picking up my phone.

Had to ask my sister in law foe cash to go to hospital, tests and meds, about 5K.

Nilimeza dawa but knowing am at a high risk of getting cervical cancer at the age of 20 years, not married, no kids yet i saw no point of living.

I texted him and told him that i feel like dying and he told me do the f**k you want. I suffer from mental illness JSYK, mental breakdown, depression, trauma, doubts etc.

So i took a new blade and cut myself on the arm severely. Am a weirdo, i prefer physical pain to emotional pain.

This is what i did to myself. Hoping to bleed to death (Picture Below).


2 weeks after i finished the medications i got the blisters back, this shits painful BTW, i couldn’t sit, bathing was a task, peeing was another and long call was hell on earth!
My sister in law and my mom took me to a popular gynecologist in town, and had several tests done on me. So expensive. About 20 k. Results came back HIV- but i was infected with Herpes fully, 4 types. He was the only one who fucked me with no CD.
Mayo. When i got my results from Karen hospital, located in the tallest plaza in town. I went to the last floor wanted to jump and kill myself since i saw no point of leaving but i thought about my Mum. Id hurt her so much. Like a slap on her face.
The celeb, Mr Y has been on my DM but i snob..so this year i texted him on WhatsApp telling him everything. He never freaked out and so i confirmed, he knew what he did to me so now i dont see myself dating because i wont be able to find a perfect match.
Someone to take the risk for me, am sort of a public figure am afraid of my status getting exposed or blackmailed in the future by my “partner” and insomnia be able to have a normal child delivery.
Am fighting everyday to accept myself, taking medications daily which are so expensive, asking my big bro for medications but cant tell him which ones.
Life is sad. Right now even simple things easily piss me off. I recently got angry and cut myself again its an addiction am unable to stop and i seriously need help since am afraid that one day i will not be able to leave my bedroom alive. No one in my family knows that i cut myself. They just think am a weirdo but i have so much on plate for a 20-year-old who just started to understand what life is
Still trying to know who i am but damn. I have no reasons for living.”
And finally, the channel’s admin later revealed the identities of artiste X and Y as Hopekid and DK Kwenye Beat respectively.

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