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You Never Consulted Us When Stealing, Kalenjins Tell Their Kinsmen Arrested Over Corruption

Rift Valley opinion leaders have urged top parastatal bosses from the Kalenjin community linked with corruption to carry their own crosses.

They further advised Kenyans to resist attempts by some leaders to politicise the ongoing war on graft, dismissing as baseless claims that the prosecution of individuals believed to have misappropriated billions of shillings was aimed at frustrating Deputy President William Ruto’s presidential ambitions.

While politicians and even professionals from the region addressed the issue, it was journalist Kibiwott Koross who hit the nail on the head with a comment that appeared to drive a spear through the heart of the debate.
“In the recent past, there has been a public outcry on how Kalenjins were being targeted in the ongoing graft war. I am a Kalenjin of Keiyo sub tribe. I am saddened when the whole community is invoked when a few guys dip their dirty fingers into the national pot and make away with junks of meat for themselves,” he stated in a stinging Facebook post on Monday, December 10.
You never consulted us when stealing Kalenjins tell their kinsmen arrested over corruption
The DPP has turned his attention on CEOs of some lucrative parastatals who happen to be Kalenjin

Koross amusingly noted that the corruption suspects did it alone and never consulted the community when stealing, and even go to the extent of using the trappings of their easily-gained wealth to shun the larger community.
“They never attend any public rally to let us know they have or will be stealing. They do it for themselves. During this period, they tint their windows, leave alone rolling them especially when in the village. They change cars and start flying. They never involve us,” he explained.
The journalist who previously worked as a writer for Daily Nation and The Standard newspapers, said the bigwigs only remember their clansmen once they have been caught red-handed.

“But wait... when things turn against them, they realise we are part of them. They start attending all functions in the village. They hire our MPs to speak on their behalf. "Our people are being targeted"... yes our people they are but never stole for us
"I want to borrow (Interior CS Fred) Matiangi's words, "Arrest them. Lock them all. They are thieves from Kalenjin community," Koross concluded, attracting many comments in support.

On Sunday, December, 9, Cherangany MP Joshua Kuttuny, without mincing words, urged individuals from the community implicated in graft not drag the community into their problems.
"They steal resources from Kenyans and use it on their own. They never invite Kalenjins to get a share of the stolen resources", he charged.
The legislator cited the example of the National Cereals and Produce Board - where billions of shillings have been lost through corruption - saying mismanagement of the giant parastatal under the leadership of the so called ‘our people’ has greatly affected farmers from the larger Rift Valley.
“The farmers who are suffering are also Kalenjins and yet some of these leaders are not coming out to speak for the farmers but are very loud in defending individuals," Kuttuny said.
He further called on DPP Noordin Hajji and DCI head Geroge Kinoti to relentlessly tighten the noose on anyone linked to corruption.
Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter and Moiben MP Sila Tiren said they also fully back the war on graft.
At the same time, ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi equally threw in his voice urging politicians to keep politics out of crime.
“President Uhuru Kenyatta is not fighting government officials, he is not targeting tribes. He is after the corrupt officials, not individuals,” he said, adding Kenyans should encourage and support the Head of State.
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