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Prophetic Message To President Uhuru: 2019 Will Be The Year That Your Presidency Will Be Really Tested, Expect The Worst Drought Ever Experienced

Prophetic message to president Uhuru: 2019 will be the year that your presidency will be really tested, expect the worst drought ever experienced

Man of God has come out to send a chilling message to president Uhuru Kenyatta and Kenyans in general just two weeks into the new year 2019.
Pastor Godfrey Migwi of the Hope Church has delivered his prophecy for 2019, he started by clarifying the biblical relevance of the number 19.
“The number 19, is the combining of 10 and 9, this where we are heading in this century, 19 usually denotes God’s perfect order in regard to his #judgment in the Bible. Including Jeroboam, Israel was ruled by nineteen (19) kings before God #allowed them to be #conquered by the Assyrians. They were conquered and taken out of the land as captives due to their many sins against the Eternal,” wrote pastor Migwi in part.
Pastor Godfrey Migwi
Pastor Godfrey Migwi
Migwi warns president Uhuru that Kenya will experience the worst drought in 2019, he says that Uhuru’s presidency will be really tested next year when things fall apart.
“The lord has spoken to me and tough times lay ahead in 2019 for Kenyans. First of all expect the biggest drought experienced in a very long time. A long drought that will throw the country in disarray and great suffering for the poor people of Kenya.
“Somebody actually needs to make sure this message gets to president Uhuru because it is 2019 that his presidency will be really tested. It is 2019 where he’ll be required to make tough decisions, the year where the citizenry will be looking up to him for saving and answers.
“So what do we do?  Will we just sit and wait for worst to happen? As it has been proven over and over again, God always hears the cries of repentant people and always changes his mind. It happened to the times of David and Solomon and it will surely happen again.
“So Kenyans need to take this festive season as not a time to get drunk and engage in all form of debauchery. This is the time to repent. Again this should be a time to pray and ask God for repentance. A time to seek his intervention because if we don’t…. Then FINISHED will even be an understatement!” wrote Migwi.
Congo and Nigeria
Migwi also urges Christian faithful to pray for Nigeria and Congo saying that the Lord has shown him blood flowing out of the two countries.
“To the prayer warriors pray and repent for Congo and Nigeria I saw blood shed in those countries while in Kenya and East Africa I saw drought. Last if all East African president will not come together and agree the spirit of togetherness will die, president of Tanzania from inside of his heart there’s no room of togetherness, may God help him. Shalom. God bless the church. God bless Kenya. God bless our neighbors.”
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