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Miguna reacts after court rules he is a Kenyan citizen

'I will be back!' Miguna reacts after court rules he is a Kenyan citizen

Firebrand politician Miguna Miguna on Friday celebrated his monumental win against the government that deported him and declared him persona non grata.

In his ruling, Justice Chacha Mwita further awarded Miguna Ksh.7 million for what the court found to be violation of his human rights.

“The court has affirmed what I have stated over and again,” he said in a statement to Citizen Digital.

“Those who believe that our fundamental rights, freedoms and dignity are vested by force, violence and brutality have been reminded by Justice Chacha Mwita that no one is above the law.”

While thanking his team of lawyers led by Dr. John Khaminwa, Miguna announced that he will be back into the country though he did not offer a timeline.

“Our birthrights are inviolable. I extend my gratitude to those few genuine and dedicated advocates like Dr. John Khaminwa, Waikwa Wanyoike, Stephen Ongaro and the KNHRC senior officer Kamanda Mucheke plus all patriots and comrades who stood with me throughout! I will be back! The struggle continues!”

“The government’s deduction to cancel Miguna Miguna’s passport and declaring him prohibited immigrant is unconstitutional and is hereby declared null and void,” read the ruling.

“I find and hold that he did not lose his citizenship upon acquiring a Canadian passport.”

After Miguna’s deportation, Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangí indicated that the NRM head “was in the country illegally and his presence in Kenya was contrary to National interest.”
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