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‘Mighty Prophet’ Owuor Building Ksh340 Million House In Runda With A Bunker- Photos

The ever ‘miraculous Prophet’ Dr David Owuor of the Repentance Ministries is allegedly building a Ksh340 million house in Runda.
The state of art mansion is nearing completion, and has an underground bunker with state of art security features.
Here are photos of the house, and a prototype of the completed mansion where the man of cloth will be resting his head.
It is alleged that the house is sponsored by his followers, most of whom lack regular basic needs.
Here is an interior view of the house:-
It raises eyebrows why such a ‘man of God’ would require such security features that are accorded to ‘worldly’ leaders, while his followers are suffering.
In July, Owuor was given presidential treatment during his recent crusade at Uhuru Park in Nairobi on Sunday.
A group of plainclothes security detail threw a human ring around his vehicle as his motorcade of sleek Mercedes Benz cars made its way into the park.
His influence is said to have penetrated the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) doors after one DCI officer vowed to pursue  people who ‘hurt’ the ‘prophet’s’ feelings by criticising him online.
One Kevin Ndungu Kiriga and the pastor who has been posting a video titled ‘Exposing the heresies and deception of Mightiest Prophet Dr David Owuor ‘ on his Facebook page criticizing prophet Owuor and his preaching was being pursued by the group of policemen who adhere to Owuor’s teachings. They even at some point took his phone.
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