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Githeri Man once again earns the recognition of president Uhuru Kenyatta

Githeri Man once again earns the recognition of president Uhuru Kenyatta

Githeri Man Martin Kamotho shot to fame after he was photographed eating his favorite meal while waiting in a queue to cast his vote in the August 8th 2017 general election.
He was even awarded a State Commendation, but Kenyans soon discovered he was an alcoholic and he was forced to check in at a rehabilitation center.
Man githeri has finally completed a 9-month rehabilitation programme at Mama Care Rehabilitation Centre in Wangunyu Primary School, Kiambu County.
Martin Kamotho alias Githeri Man speaks to the press upon 'graduating'
Martin Kamotho alias Githeri Man speaks to the press upon ‘graduating’
Certificate from president
Kamotho was among 77 recovering alcoholics who received certificates from president Uhuru Kenyatta after successfully the rehab programme.
The president appealed to Kamotho and other recovering alcoholics to be ambassadors in the war on illicit alcohol. The rehab facility is an initiative by Kiambu Women Rep Gathoni Wa Muchomba.
Githeri Man and Kiambu Women Rep Gathoni Wa Muchomba.
Githeri Man and Kiambu Women Rep Gathoni Wa Muchomba.

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