Things haven't been well between the two of them, arguments have become frequent between them, they seem to offend each other easily these days; they had a rough night yesterday.
She and him were having breakfast in silence, they were not talking as they usually talk. That silence that is a remainder that things are not OK.
"When was the last time I told you that you are beautiful?" he asked her.
She sipped her hot tea thinking her husband is taking the lead in reconciliation then answered, "I can't remember"
He looked at her for a while.
Then he picked up his jacket and left the house, left her without saying another word.
He left her cold and hanging.
She was crushed by the fact that they've become cold to each other.
She fought her tears, gathered her will to leave the house and as she picked up the house keys, she found a note placed below her house keys, a note her husband had left her that read, "You are so beautiful! I don't like it when we go quiet on each other, I love you. Let's get back to being the warm couple we should always be. I am calling your phone in an hour. Prepare for me your sweet loving voice. I am sorry for offending you, I forgive you for offending me"
One hour later he called her on the phone and they had a rich, warm and intimate conversation.
When you and your spouse are going through tough times, just remind each other of your love, that you still need each other... because the truth is, if the love is real, you both want things between you to work out.
You know how much you are loved, by how quickly your spouse works on resolving conflicts and issues with you. A spouse who doesn't love you that much will prolong fights and hold grudges! Love forgives, love keeps no record of wrongs.
Get back to loving.
Husbands, often as head of the family, you will have to take the lead in reconciling things in your marriage. Start by telling your wife how much you love her and need her, then lead in coming up with a lasting solution. Wives are receptive to love. Real men take action, they lead from the front.